Parts - Modifications - Engine Mounts

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Engine Mounting mods for larger turbos

Cut-away and reinforced mount for (longer) Garret T3 turbo

Strengthening l/h diesel engine mount when cut-away for larger (Garret T3) turbo...  

see Parts - Modifications - T3 turbo for turbo manifolding that goes with this modified mount.

Diesel Mount CutOutMod 01.jpg

Diesel Mount CutOutMod 02.jpg

Diesel Mount CutOutMod 03.jpg

NB. The main loads on this mount are bending and torsion due to it's offset. It's important to retain adequate torsional stiffness, hence the torsion box design, clamped to the uncut shear web. Both torsion and bending loads are transferred into the box using 6 and 8mm bolts and screws, the top main plate is bent and twisted to fit fairly accurately the top of the original mount. Hard steel plate, about 1.6 mm gauge

NB. The installation requires a larger bore banjo manifold ( see here )


Brand new fabricated engine mount for larger turbo on Tdi

Andy Syncro_Nutz: Built this for a TDi customer requesting a larger turbo that would foul the std. l/h eng. mount

LargeTurbo Tdi EngMount 01.jpg

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